Archive for iOS 8 tag

Say hello to Quadratic Master 3.0

Posted on December 14, 2014 by Lukas under Quadratic Master | 3 comments

Quadratic Master iconI am thrilled to announce that today, Quadratic Master 3.0 is launching in the App Store. It’s been a dreadful yet very fulfilling two months, and it’s great to finally launch it to the public. If you are in high school or if you do any algebraic math, this app is for you! Before I get to telling you all about the features, lets take a look at a short (46 seconds) video of the app in action. Alternatively, if you are on mobile, you might prefer viewing the App Preview right on the App Store page (here).

Quadratic Master in action. For best experience, view it in full-screen and in HD 1080p.

iTunes App Store badge

Here is a quick run down of how it can help you, accompanied by screenshots:

Routie is now ready for iOS 8 and iPhone 6/6+

Posted on September 16, 2014 by Lukas under Routie | 3 comments

Routie app on iPhone 6

I am excited to announce that Routie update 2.7 is now available on the App Store! It brings full compatibility with iOS 8, as well as support for the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. You can get it here.

The update also brings Notification Center widget that lets you:

  • view current distance and duration
  • start and stop tracking
  • quickly open Routie app

As always, if you like the update, please leave a review on the App Store. I’d also like to thank all of you who already took the time and reviewed it. The overwhelming positivity of most comments gives me great amount of motivation to keep working on Routie in the future, as well as a great joy that you, the users, appreciate the work I put into it, and the quality and polish that I’ve always strived for. THANK YOU!

How to show touches in iOS 8 App Previews – tutorial

Posted on August 29, 2014 by Lukas under iOS development | 7 comments

App Previews were introduced at WWDC’14 as a new App Store feature on iOS 8 that will allow developers to include 30 seconds video showcasing their app in action, right on the App Store. I believe it’s a great way to really show off your app to your potential customers right in the moment when they are considering the purchase or download. In this tutorial, I will show you how to make those previews even better.

How to create iOS 8 Today extension and share data with containing app – tutorial

Posted on June 28, 2014 by Lukas under iOS development | 97 comments

iOS 8 extension logoApp extensions were introduced a couple of weeks ago during WWDC 2014 Keynote as a way to extend the reach of your app to some parts of iOS (8), for example by creating a widget that will show up in Notification Center, or a custom sharing action. It’s no doubt a huge opportunity for iOS/Mac developers, so if you have an idea for a widget/extension, I suggest you start working on it as soon as you can.

If you are a registered iOS/Mac developer, definitely watch the WWDC Sessions Creating Extensions for iOS and OS X, Part 1 and 2 here. You will have a pretty good idea of what extensions are, how do they work and what you can do with them. The first part briefly explains how you can share data between your extension and containing app using NSUserDefaults, but neglects to point out some ‘pitfalls’ that you need to avoid in order to get it working. That’s where this tutorial comes in.

Warning: as of writing this (end of June’14), the Xcode 6 beta 2 (that you need to use to build your extension) has some bugs that might cause you some annoyance, but you can generally track down and then avoid the certain actions/scenarios that make problems.

What are you going to build

We are going to build a simple Today extension (that’s the name for iOS 8 widgets in Notification Center) that shows a number that can be set from the containing app (and changes made in the app will be reflected in the widget in real time). We’ll use shared NSUserDefaults to accomplish this.

iOS 8 Today extensioniOS 8 Today extension containing app