Archive for iOS tag

My WWDC’14 Scholarship application

Posted on April 18, 2014 by Lukas under iOS development | No comments

If you are in the Twitter circles of young iOS developers, you’ve probably seen at least a few videos of scholarship apps created by students that are applying for this year’s WWDC scholarship. So I thought it would be a good idea to show off my app too. I’ve tried to make it short and sweet, instead of big app with a lot of effects and tons of texts, as I don’t expect Apple reviewers to spend too much time with each individual app. But when I saw some of the others, maybe I made it too simple. Anyways, here it is:

(I am sorry for the shaking, I should probably get a tripod for the next time :P)

As you can see, there is a simple intro implemented using UIKit Dynamics with different elasticity for each letter, and then a parallax timeline with my history. What you probably didn’t notice – there is also a little effect that distorts the texts during scrolling and make the texts sharp when it stops. That’s done using an attachment behaviour, changing the anchor point in viewDidScroll, and observing center point of the attached view, where I calculate distance between the centre point and the scrollView offset, and set the textView’s shadowOffset and shadowRadius based on the difference.

If you are interested in what others did, you can take a look at this GitHub page. And if you applied for the scholarship yourself, make sure to submit yours there.

All applicants will be notified of their status by April 28, that means 10 days from now. I was lucky enough to get in last year, so fingers crossed for all the hard-working newcomers!

Routie update 2.3 brings exporting to files, redesigned sharing view and more.

Posted on January 26, 2014 by Lukas under Routie | 2 comments

Routie iconToday, the 2.3 version of Routie ~ sports tracker was approved by Apple and you can download it from the App Store.

Export to file

The main feature this update includes is that you can get file exports of your tracks, right in the app. While it had been possible to get those exports from the website of your shared or uploaded route ever since version 1.0, some users found it too inconvenient, or didn’t know about it at all, so I decided to go the extra mile and build it right into the app itself. Now you can select your desired export type (GPX, KML, or KMZ) and perform an action (Open in another app, Send via Email, or Copy to iTunes File Sharing) with just 2 taps. In case you don’t know what the exports are good for, one interesting thing you can do with them is to open them in Google Earth right on your device, and view it in the 3D landscape.

Revamped sharing screen

The sharing screen was also somewhat fussy to understand prior to this version. Now, you have explanation of what exactly it means to Upload or Share your track, and what happens when you choose to do it. Also, you can now get the link of the track more easily, since it is displayed in a separate status cell.

Routie Sharing screen   Routie File Export

Example of a cycling track exported in kml and opened in Google Earth for iOS

KML export in Google Earth

This version also includes some minor improvements and bug fixes, most notably resolving the issue that might have caused Twitter sharing not to work for some users. I am confident that you’ll like it, so please, update and let me know what you think!

Routie is now free for a week (12-19 December ’13)

Posted on December 12, 2013 by Lukas under Routie | No comments

It’s been a while since my last post (again); so I am glad to break this ‘silence’. And I believe some of you will be glad as well, because, as the title suggests, I’ve decided to change the price of Routie to FREE for one week (starting now). So if you wasn’t sure if Routie was a good fit for you, or you would like to just see what I’ve been working on, now is a great opportunity!

You can give it a try when you go skiing, running or just for a walk, it’s universal for all outdoor sports.

Now, what are you waiting for? Head over to the App Store and download it for free here! Or learn more at

How to inspect subviews hierarchy of any UIView

Posted on January 7, 2012 by Lukas under iOS development | 7 comments

In this programming tutorial (or guide, if you want so), I am going to explain a simple way of printing out the entire subviews hierarchy of any UIView (subclass). We are going to accomplish this by creating a Category on UIView, and adding a single recursive method which will do its job of going down through the entire tree-structure of the view.