Archive for San Francisco tag

Complete Guide for WWDC Newcomers (2014 edition)

Posted on April 24, 2014 by Lukas under Conferences | 4 comments

WWDC Moscone Center

Since there is just little over a month left till this year’s Worldwide Developers Conference, I thought it would be a good idea to sit down and write a simple guide for people who are attending the conference for the first time.

You’ve wished to get there for years, you might have missed the ticket sales last year (or the years before that), but now you’ve won the ticket lottery (or student scholarship) and you just can’t wait for the whole experience. You feel like a kid before Christmas! Am I right? You also probably want to get the most out of it, and that’s where this blog post comes in.

I was lucky enough to attend the WWDC last year (more about that here), so I have some experience with it. I am aiming to include here all the tips and tricks I wish I’d known before my first “DubDub”, and I hope it will be helpful for you.

So, sit back, get a cup of coffee, make yourself comfortable and then get back over here. I’ll be waiting.

My impressions from WWDC’13 and how I awakened in San Francisco

Posted on June 20, 2013 by Lukas under Conferences | 1 comment

San Francisco cityI know, the conference ended 5 days ago, I should’ve written about it way sooner. But there is so much to explore in SF! Anyway, better now than never, right? For those of you who hasn’t read any of my other posts here; I got lucky and won the WWDC Students Scholarship, so I had the opportunity to be at this year’s ‘DubDub’ (as cool guys call it). Here are some notes about what kind of experience it was for me.