My flight SFO ✈ JFK, and why I enjoyed it so much.

Posted on June 22, 2013 by Lukas under Conferences | No comments

Hi guys, just a quick update from my travel all the way back to Prague. I am currently sitting on the plane from JFK to Prague, and I couldn’t resist to write about my experience from the first part of the travel home (from San Francisco to New York). Because.. I got to talk with a really interesting girl from Ireland!

So on the plane there was sitting a girl next to me, and I knew I wanted to try to talk with the person(s) sitting around (not dependent on gender, but glad you asked :P). So after a while, I took the courage and asked her where she’s from. She said that Ireland, and we started talking.. At the beginning just sparsely, but then more and more. My English speaking is ‘okay’ at best, but fortunately she didn’t mind. We talked about San Francisco, what were we doing here, then about the tech jobs in US, Facebook, Twitter, and then we (actually, I :P) shifted to education system. She explained to me all the flaws in their education system, and I realized that it can actually be worse than in Czech Republic. We totally agreed that the the system in it’s current state is broken, and that it makes a lot of sense to become specialized in a particular field by self-education (that’s what her boyfriend did, and what I did as well..). Also, she told me about her business idea that she wants to pursue, which was really cool too. Overall, it was really great experience, I got to practice my English by talking about topics that really interest me, and I found a girl (or woman, depends on how you put it) that I really admire for all her values and everything.. Edana, if you checked my blog after all and are reading this, I just want to let you know that I think you are awesome, and that your boyfriend is one hell of a lucky guy! So yeah, that pretty much wraps it up, I don’t want to get into any details because that usually doesn’t do any good. I know that this might sounds rather creepy (I intended it to just be honest, but sometimes things get interpreted very differently than they are supposed to). I know that I’ll probably never get to meet her again, but that’s just how life works, unfortunately. It would be really cool if we could remain in touch via email, though, but that’s mostly my ‘naive me’ hoping, so.. Anyway, really great experience; the bottom line is: try to catch opportunities as they fly by – it’s much better than to regret not doing so later!