Archive for 3D touch tag

Meet Quick Actions in Routie 2.11

Posted on March 17, 2016 by Lukas under Routie | No comments

Routie icon

I am glad to announce that Routie 2.11 is here! If you have an iPhone 6S or 6S Plus, you will be especially pleased by the new 3D Touch Quick Actions. Just force-press on the icon and you will be presented with options to Start (or Stop) Tracking, Take Photo, View Statistics or View latest track. I’ve been using it myself the past few days and it’s really handy, especially the last option.

Routie 3D Touch Quick ActionsRoutie enhanced Detail screen

On the right screenshot, you can see enhanced Route details screen. It now has blurred background, and the value displays span over the whole width even on larger devices.

Bug fixes in 2.11

This update also brings some important bug fixes:

  • Fixed crash when trying to sign in with Facebook.
  • Fixed occasional server login issue.
  • Fixed positioning of export buttons in Sharing screen.
  • Various smaller improvements.

As always, I hope you’ll like the update. And if you do, it would be really nice if you left a positive review on the App Store. You can download it here. Enjoy!

Edit (17.3.’16) – Version 2.11.1 which fixed critical bug on iOS 8 devices is now also approved and live! Thank you Apple for granting it expedited review.