^Happy New year 2012!^

Posted on December 31, 2011 by Lukas under Personal | No comments

FireworkThe year 2011 is just about to end, so I would like to wish you guys all the best for the upcoming year. Mainly, I wish you health and love, because I think these two are the most important sources of happiness in life. Initially, I wanted to sort of sum up this year, consider what I’ve learned and what I’ve missed, what I’ve accomplished and what I didn’t manage to do; and things like these, but I am not in the right mood for this right now. I am ill, and I have been ill for last week+. Even though I did what I could to get well, it didn’t improve much. And I know that if I tried to write something meaningful at this moment, it would end up as just a bunch of pesimistic and self-defeating gibbering. Perhaps I’ll try to do this somewhen in January, but again: I do not promise it.
So enjoy the new year as much as you can, and don’t forget to pursue things that matters most in life. Also keep in mind that this is our last year ever, because Earth is set to expire on 21th December, 2012; right?